Ministries >


We have two different Youth Groups.

  • AWANA meets Saturday from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.  It is for "Pre-K" to 8th grade and has four levels- Cubbies, Sparks,  T & T, and Trek.  AWANA includes a lesson, crafts, games, snacks and a "store."   We began in September of 2022 and our high attendance is 24 kids so far.  For more information call Gordon Arber at 585-808-4214.  We hope to see you there ! 
  • Teen Club (grades 7-12) meets Sunday from 6:00-7:00 PM.  The Club includes a lesson, snack and game time.  The game time includes ping-pong, pool, foosball and ga-ga ball.  For more information call Jon Ford at 585-808-8057.  Right now they are using "The Chosen," a video series about Christ and His disciples.  It is very good.   

Both of these clubs meet weekly throughout the school year, but not during the summer.


